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Halder Venture Limited
November 18, 2024
Halder Group has built a strong reputation for itself based on trust and commitment for over 100 years. Despite facing various economic fluctuations and industrial challenges, we have successfully managed to stand the test of time. During global trade, we have skillfully managed changes within the market for raw materials. The key to our success has always been resilience and strategically adapting to change for the better.
We are proudly committed to our journey of excellence in the agro-industry and the growth we have experienced for generations. Pursuit of innovation and seeking new ways to adopt sustainable practices has helped us to stay ahead of our competitors in the industry. One of the such sustainable practices we adhere to in our production process is our commitment to minimising waste through our "zero wastage policy". We ensure that every by-product generated during product processing is utilised efficiently, thus minimising waste to the maximum extent possible.
Rice processing yields several valuable by-products, each serving multiple purposes. Dive into the types of by-products and their multiple usages:
Rice Husk Ashes: Engineering Excellence from Agricultural Residue
In our constant search for efficient and environmentally friendly resource utilisation, rice husk ashes are now considered revolutionary. At Halder Group, we have developed a complex process of converting rice husk ash into a better pozzolanic material. When this pozzolanic material reacts with calcium hydroxide, it contributes to the formation of cement.